Safety is one of our core values. We believe that no task is so urgent that it can’t be done safely. We expect all employees — including our contractors to adopt this mindset.
All of our contractors must comply with applicable laws, regulations, bylaws, rules and standards at any of our facilities or worksites. As a contractor, it’s your responsibility to familiarize yourself and your employees with our health and safety policies, standards, forms and checklists.
Check out the resources below for more information.
Contractor Handbook
The objectives of the handbook are to supplement contractor orientation and provide a resource for maintaining the health and safety of SaskPower contractors.
Safety and Environment Rulebook
The Safety and Environment Rulebook provides an overview of health, safety and environmental requirements. SaskPower employees and contractors are required to abide by all applicable rules set out in the Rulebook.
Standard Protection Code
The Standard Protection Code is SaskPower’s documented lockout procedure as required by provincial occupational health and safety legislation.
Safety Mitigation Plans
We have a Site Mitigation Plan to always ensure on-site safety.
Health and Safety Policies and Standards
We prioritize the health and safety of our employees and contractors. To ensure everyone’s well-being, we’ve created a comprehensive set of policies and standards. These guidelines cover a wide range of topics, from public safety and hazard assessment to personal protective equipment and emergency response. Whether you’re working alone, handling loads, or operating in hot, cold, or icy conditions, we have a standard to guide you.
Remember, safety is everyone’s responsibility. Let’s work together to keep a safe place to work.
Note: To make sure you’re accessing the most current information, we recommend clearing your web browser cache.
- Hazard/Aspect and Risk Assessment Policy
- Hazard/Aspect and Risk Assessment (HARA) Standard
- Animal Control Standard
- Arc Flash Hazard Standard
- Asbestos Standard
- Aviation Standard
- Chemical and Biological Substances Standard
- Confined Space Entry Standard
- Contractor Health, Safety, Environment and Security Management Standard
- Deviation from Safe Work Standard
- Emergency Response Standard
- Emergency Response Testing Protocol Standard
- Emergency Shower and Eye Wash Station Standard
- Ergonomics Standard
- Excavation and Trenching Standard
- Eye and Face Protection Standard
- Fall Protection Standard
- Fatigue Management Standard
- Fire Extinguisher Standard
- First Aid and AED Standard
- Fit for Duty Policy
- Foot Protection Standard
- Hand and Arm Protection Standard
- Head Protection Standard
- Health, Safety and Environment Policy
- Health, Safety and Environment Inspections Standard
- Hearing Protection Standard
- High Visibility Standard
- Incident Investigation Standard
- Major Projects HSE Management Standard
- Minimum Approach Distance Standard
- Motor Vehicle Safety Standard
- Operation of Powered Mobile Equipment Standard
- Personal and Portable Gas Monitor Standard
- Portable Ground Set and Portable Bond Mat Standard
- Radiation Standard
- Respiratory Protection Standard
- Safe Work Procedures Standard
- Safety and Environment Meeting Standard
- Safety Incident Investigation Process
- Safety Signage Standard
- Scaffolding Standard
- Working Alone Standard
- Working in Hot and Cold Conditions Standard
- Working on Ice Standard
- Working on, in or Near Water Standard
- Work Observations Standard
- Workplace Violence Prevention Standard
- Workplace Visitor Standard
Contractors must also abide by the Saskatchewan Employment Act and the Occupational Health and Safety Regulations of Saskatchewan, 2020.