We’re changing the way we generate power to better protect the environment and move towards a cleaner energy future.
Your expectations and federal regulations on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions continue to evolve. This means looking into more sustainable ways of generating power — like using renewable power sources.
Our Goal
We’re committed to reaching net zero GHG emissions by 2050, or earlier. We also maintain a 2030 GHG emissions reduction target of 50% below 2005 levels by 2030.
Why Reducing Emissions Matters
Emissions, including those from the generation of power, can impact:
- climate
- natural resources
- health
GHGs can last hundreds of years in the atmosphere. This is why it’s important for us to do what we can now. You can help by being efficient at your home and workplace. By using less power you’ll save money and help protect the environment.
For more information, check out Power Savings and Programs.
Our Emissions
Every year, we report our emissions to regulators, stakeholders, and in our Annual Report and Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability Report. We take into account emissions from power generated by our facilities and by Independent Power Producers (IPPs) in the province. This also includes our emission intensity.
In 2022, our GHG emissions were 13.8 million tonnes of CO2e*. This is a 7.8% decrease compared to 2021.
The main reasons for a reduction in 2022 emissions include:
- Reductions in coal emissions in 2022 compared to 2021 including Boundary Dam Unit #4 being taken offline in December 2021 and placed on standby to provide additional power only when needed
- An increase in CO2 capture at our Carbon Capture and Storage facility (Boundary Dam Unit #3)
- Continued expansion of electricity supply from non-emitting generation sources
We also report our emission intensity, which is referenced in our Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability Report.
We expect to see our emissions continually decreasing in the coming years as shown in the chart below.
*CO2e stands for CO2 equivalent. This is the standard measurement for reporting GHGs. The measure includes Carbon Dioxide (CO2) emissions as well as the CO2 equivalents for Methane (CH4) and Nitrous Oxide (N2O) emissions.
We’re Seeing Progress
We’re on our way to a cleaner power future for the province of Saskatchewan.
We continue to reduce the use of conventional coal-fired generation and add renewable and low-emitting generation to our grid. Since 2021, we’ve added over 400 megawatts (MW) of renewable generation capacity to our power supply mix — with plans for more renewables in the future.
We’re also investing in our infrastructure. With a modern grid, we’ll be able to:
- support more solar and wind generation
- improve the reliability of our power service
- reduce our emissions
Learn more about the projects we have on the go at Planning and Construction Projects.
We’ve been investing in a natural climate solution that removes CO2 from the atmosphere – trees. Since our Shand Greenhouse opened in 1991, we’ve grown and distributed over 13.5 million tree and shrub seedlings across Saskatchewan. Seedlings are given to:
- rural landowners to establish shelter belts
- environmental groups to support habitat projects
- community groups to support cultural projects or activities
We estimate there are approximately 9 million trees and shrubs living today from these efforts. These trees and shrubs can remove more than 100,000 tonnes of CO2 each year. We continue to invest in the Shand Greenhouse to replace aging infrastructure and improve efficiency. Learn more about our Shand Greenhouse and eligibility for seedlings at Shand Greenhouse.
Moving towards 2050, we’ll continue to explore non- or low-emitting generation options and opportunities to offset our emissions, while meeting the growing need for power.