What is a smart meter?
A smart meter is a digital meter that’s able to measure how much and when power is being used. Each smart meter contains a 2-way communication chip and can send information directly to us. In contrast, regular or analog meters simply log how much electricity is used and need to be read or checked by a meter reader.
When will I receive my smart meter?
There were global supply chain issues and meter shortages caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Because of that, we had to put our plans for mass smart meter installations on hold in early 2022. We’re happy to report that installation work has started up again.
We’ll expand gradually to other parts of the province as supply allows. Visit our Smart Meter Installation Map page for more information about where we’re at and where we’re heading next.
Do smart meters start fires?
No. In 2014, we experienced problems with smart meters of a completely different type. Dust and moisture were getting inside the meter seal, causing them to fail. We now test for exactly this issue in any type of meter we install.
One house fire occurred during our meter installations in 2014. This was the result of an electrical fault, but no smart meter was ever installed at this home.
Since 2021, we’ve successfully installed more than 83,000* smart meters across the province without any issues. These new meters are safe and have been rigorously tested. They meet new specifications that have been developed for our province and go above and beyond industry standards.
*as of Dec. 31, 2023
Do smart meters mean higher bills?
No, all smart meters do is transmit a signal with the amount of power you’re actually using at the time. A higher bill reflects an increase in power use, not the meter.
Before your smart meter is installed, you may be getting bills based on estimated instead of actual meter readings. Smart meters eliminate this. If you want to get rid of “settle up” bills because your power use tracks higher than your bill, a smart meter is for you.
A higher bill would be a reflection of increased power use, not the meter.
Do radio frequency waves cause headaches and health problems?
Electric and Magnetic Fields (EMF) are around us every day. They’re found wherever we use power. International health agencies, including Health Canada, say the extremely low-frequency EMF emissions from smart meters do not pose a public health risk. The signal transmits from a meter to the network for a total of 0.04 seconds a day. Tests have proven that the low-frequency EMF emissions from our smart meters are lower than many common household devices, including:
- Wi-Fi signals
- laptop computers or cellphones
- garage door openers or remote car starters
Will SaskPower be able to cut my power off remotely?
Installing your smart meter doesn’t change any of our customer policies and procedures related to power shut off. We’ll continue to provide advance notice to anyone whose power service may be at risk of being shut off. The smart meter will allow us to shut off service remotely.
Can SaskPower monitor my power use?
Smart meters will provide you with more detailed and up-to-date information about power use. Your data will be updated daily and will always be a few days behind. You can access your data and see your power use with a MySaskPower account.
How secure is the information being transmitted?
We apply privacy protection standards to all customer data we collect. This includes meter data from smart meters. The data we collect through our meters is used only to ensure accurate billing. Only encrypted meter readings and meter identification are transmitted through smart meters, not your personal information.
SaskPower complies with Saskatchewan’s privacy legislation. For more information, please read our Privacy Policy.
Do smart meters have the capability of watching us (cameras)?
No. Smart meters send a 2-way communication signal on your power use. They aren’t used for surveillance.Will people lose their jobs because of this project?
Meter reading jobs will continue to be a need as we proceed with smart meter installations. As we install more meters, meter reading needs will decrease. But we're working on a plan to transform our workforce to align with how work will be done in the future.
Will a smart meter mean I get charged more for using power at certain times of the day?
No. SaskPower will not be increasing rates for power at peak times during the day. Unlike provinces with high populations, our power demand doesn’t peak enough for this to be necessary.
Will my smart meter cost me anything?
No. Both the meter and install are at no charge to you.
Can I decline to receive a smart meter?
You may be eligible to decline a smart meter if your account is paid up and your current meter is accessible for our meter readers. If you choose to opt out, you’ll be charged a one-time fee for meter maintenance and an ongoing monthly meter-reading fee.