We’re adding a simple cycle natural gas turbine to the Ermine Power Station. This will be the facility’s third turbine and will produce an additional 46 megawatts of power — enough to power 46,000 homes.
We expect the unit will be in-service in May 2025.
Why We're Doing It
Adding another turbine to the power station will increase the amount of reliable, cost-effective baseload power available in the province. This will also help us meet environmental regulations, as it produces about half the emissions of conventional coal.
Once up and running, the new turbine will also provide backup power to support renewable generation — like wind and solar. This is part of a staged approach to replace conventional coal generation that must be retired by 2030.
We’re currently on track to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 50% from 2005 levels by 2030, and are working toward achieving net-zero emissions by 2050.
Learn more about how natural gas generation works and how it fits in Saskatchewan’s power supply mix.
Our Progress So Far
In May 2022 we issued a competitive Request for Supplier Qualifications to develop a short list of potential build partners to carry out the design, engineering, construction and commissioning of the project.
From that short list, we selected Graham – Black & Veatch as our partner on the project.
If you’re interested in being a supplier or subcontractor on this project, please contact June Verhelst via email or phone at 306-221-3871.
Construction began in May 2023.
Minimizing the Impact to You
While much of the work will not directly impact residents in the area, it’ll be highly visible at times. Some of this work will include:
- grading to prepare the site
- constructing a new building
- alterations to perimeter fencing
Construction equipment and large equipment — like the gas turbine itself – will also be travelling to and from the site on local roads.
We don’t need any new land to accommodate this project, but we’ll be altering our fencing at the site.
We’ll reach out to neighbouring landowners and local stakeholders to let you know of this work and any potential impacts to you.
Respecting the Local Environment
What we do today impacts our future. We’re always working hard to reduce our impact and protect the environment.
As we plan projects, we use tools like databases, satellite imagery and field surveys to understand the environment we are working in.
As projects move forward, we’ll make sure environmental protection standards are in place to reduce our impact on features like:
- waterbodies
- sensitive lands
- wildlife and their habitats
- heritage resources
We also work with the Ministry of Environment and other regulatory agencies to ensure we meet all environmental requirements.