
Your warehouse holds many valuable items.

That means there’s a constant demand for your services. Using energy efficient measures can help you:

Icon Save Power

Save Power

Icon Save Money

Save Money

*Where You Use the Most Power


Warehouse Power Consumption Donut Chart

Chart Legend - Lighting   Lighting - 53%

Chart Legend - Refrigeration   Refrigeration - 16%

Chart Legend - HVAC   HVAC Fans/Pumps - 13%

Chart Legend - Other   Other - 8%

Chart Legend - Space Cooling   Space Cooling - 4%

Chart Legend - Office Equipment   Office Equipment - 2%

Chart Legend - Space Heating   Space Heating - 2%

Chart Legend - Hot Water   Hot Water - 1%

Chart Legend - Cooking   Cooking - 1%

*based on the average power use for this facility

Where You Use the Most Power
End-Use Annual Percentage
Annual kWh/m2
Lighting 53% 51
16% 15
HVAC Fans/Pumps 13% 13
Other 8% 8
Space Cooling 4% 4
Space Heating 2% 2
Office Equipment 2% 2
Cooking 1% 1
Hot Water 1%


Ready to Get Started?

Here’s some tools to kick start your energy savings: